MEF University

Faculty Of Arts And Literature

Celebrates artistic expression and literary exploration. This faculty offers programs in visual arts, art history, literature, and languages, encouraging students to engage with diverse forms of creative expression.

  • Department of Art History and Visual Arts: Studies art movements and artistic expression across
  • Department of Literature and Languages: Offers studies in world literature and language

Faculty Of Arts And Literature

The Faculty of Arts and Literature is a beacon for students passionate about artistic expression and literary exploration. This faculty is dedicated to fostering an environment where creativity flourishes, offering diverse programs that span the visual arts, art history, literature, and languages. It encourages students to delve into the rich tapestry of human creativity, understanding art and literature not just as forms of expression but as lenses through which  we can explore human experiences across different cultures and epochs.

Department of Art History and Visual Arts

This department is committed to the study of art movements, aesthetic theories, and artistic expression across cultures and time periods. Through a comprehensive curriculum that includes both historical study and practical art-making, students are encouraged to develop a deep appreciation for art’s evolving role in society and its capacity to reflect and shape human experiences.

  • Art Movements and Theory: Surveys major art movements from ancient civilizations to contemporary art, examining the philosophical and cultural contexts that have shaped artistic expression throughout


  • Studio Art: Offers practical courses in painting, sculpture, digital art, and photography, allowing students to develop their artistic skills and personal expression.
  • Art Criticism and Curation: Teaches students the principles of art criticism and the practice of curation, preparing them for careers in galleries, museums, and the broader art

Department of Literature and Languages

The Department of Literature and Languages explores the power of words and stories, offering studies in world literature and comprehensive language learning programs. Students are immersed in the beauty and complexity of literary texts, gaining insights into diverse perspectives, historical contexts, and the universal themes that connect humanity.

  • World Literature: Examines literary works from a variety of cultural traditions and historical periods, fostering an appreciation for the diversity of human experience and the art of
  • Language Learning: Provides courses in multiple languages, from commonly spoken languages to less widely taught ones, emphasizing linguistic proficiency and cultural
  • Comparative Literature and Translation Studies: Focuses on the comparative study of texts across cultures, genres, and languages, including the theory and practice of

Program Highlights

  • Creative Workshops and Seminars: Offers workshops and seminars led by accomplished artists and writers, providing students with opportunities to refine their craft and engage with the creative
  • Study Abroad and Exchange Programs: Encourages students to participate in study abroad and exchange programs, enhancing their cultural and linguistic competencies and deepening their understanding of global artistic and literary
  • Research and Publication Opportunities: Supports student research in art history, literary studies, and language acquisition, with opportunities for publication in academic journals and participation in
  • Community Engagement: Connects students with local cultural institutions, literary festivals, and art exhibitions, enabling them to apply their knowledge and skills in real- world

The Faculty of Arts and Literature is a place of discovery and innovation, where students are inspired to explore the depths of artistic and literary expression. By blending historical knowledge with creative practice and critical analysis, this faculty equips students with the tools to contribute meaningfully to the arts and literature fields and to appreciate the transformative power of art and storytelling in society.

How to Apply

We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.