MEF University

Faculty of Arts and Creative Expression

The Faculty of Arts and Creative Expression at MEF University is dedicated to nurturing leaders who will shape the creative industries and cultural sectors. With a strong emphasis on fostering artistic expression as a catalyst for social change, this faculty equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to explore the profound impact of art on individuals and societies.

Alignment with MEF Leadership Objectives

Developing Leaders
in the Creative
Industries and
Cultural Sectors
Through a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on
learning experiences, students develop the leadership
abilities, creative thinking, and entrepreneurial mindset
required to thrive in the dynamic creative industries and
drive positive change within cultural organisations.
Fostering Artistic
Expression as a
Catalyst for Social
The faculty encourages students to use their creative
talents as powerful tools for social advocacy, raising
awareness, and inspiring transformation, recognising the
unique ability of art to transcend boundaries and ignite
meaningful dialogue.

Alignment with MEF Philosophical Objectives

Exploring the
Philosophical and
Spiritual Dimensions
of Art
Students engage in thought-provoking discussions and
coursework that examine the philosophical and spiritual
dimensions of art, exploring its ability to express the
human condition, challenge societal norms, and
illuminate the complexities of the human experience.
Examining the Role
of Faith and Culture
in Artistic Expression
The faculty promotes a deep understanding of how
faith and cultural traditions have influenced artistic
expression throughout history, fostering an appreciation
for the diverse perspectives and narratives that have
shaped the arts across various societies and belief

Alignment with Excellence in Arts and Creative Expression Education

InterdisciplinaryApproachtotheArtsThe faculty embraces an interdisciplinary approach to
the arts, encouraging students to explore the
connections between various creative disciplines and to
collaborate with peers from different artistic
backgrounds, fostering a rich and multifaceted
understanding of the creative process.
with Cultural
Strategic partnerships with renowned cultural institutions,
such as museums, galleries, and performing arts
organisations, offer students opportunities for intern-ships,
exhibitions, and collaborative projects, ensuring their education is aligned with industry best practices and
providing valuable networking opportunities.


Empowering minds through quality education, fostering innovation, and cultivating leaders for a globally impactful society at M EF University of Lusaka, Zambia.


To be a premier academic institution, recognized for excellence in education, research, and community engagement, shaping future leaders and change-makers.

Expert Teachers

Loren Kadreal

Assistant Director

Grabial Fon

Assistant Director

Jerome Flora


Victor Aldves


Brenden Vine


Alex Carry


Donation helps us

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Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Jonathon Lary
Math Teacher

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio the dignissimos ducimus qui blan ditiis et quas in culpa.

Mahadi mansura
Head Teacher